Categories: Chad Zoghby, New New Atheism, Other AuthorsPublished On: June 27, 2023


In the realm of intellectual discourse, metaphysics often finds itself in a tug-of-war between empirical objectivity and philosophical subjectivity. This constant juggling act draws the attention of scholars and thinkers, like Jordan Peterson, Deepak Chopra, and William Lane Craig. Each offers his metaphysical perspective, like a soothing salve to our collective existential disquiet, but their views often bypass the domain of evidential scrutiny.

Jordan Peterson and Metaphysics

Dr. Peterson proposes metaphysics as an essential supplement to materialism, bridging the existential gap between ‘is’ and ‘ought.’ In his view, morality draws from a metaphysical foundation. However, does this perspective hold water?

Morality cannot stem from a mystical ‘is.’ Instead, it originates from the tangible ‘is’ of our shared human experience and collective wisdom. Our moral imperatives are rooted in perceivable facts about the human condition, not ethereal metaphysical postulations.

Deepak Chopra and Metaphysics

Dr. Chopra presents a different facet of the metaphysical argument, proposing an underlying metaphysical realm marked by consciousness and interconnectedness. While his proposition sounds hypnotic, it falters in the absence of empirical evidence.

The captivating allure of holistic harmony and purpose may appeal to our cognitive bias for convenient answers, but it sidesteps the challenging task of skeptical inquiry. The irony is that despite the appealing allure of Chopra’s metaphysical claims, we remain ensnared by the concrete realities of our material existence.

William Lane Craig and Metaphysics

On the other hand, Dr. Craig posits that materialism falls short in answering our fundamental existential questions, suggesting metaphysics fills this void. He makes a presuppositionalist argument, assuming that a metaphysical realm must necessarily host a God. But is this leap from an unprovable metaphysical realm to the existence of a deity justified?

Such reasoning is fraught with problems. It could be used to rationalize the existence of any number of gods or spirits, making the claim objectively untenable.

The Dilemma of Religious Metaphysics

Beyond the individual theories, it’s crucial to consider the contradictory narratives offered by various religions about this metaphysical realm and its supposed inhabitants. Is it possible for them all to be right, or could it be that none are?

The truth is, mutually exclusive claims cannot be concurrently true. One must tread carefully in the maze of religious metaphysics, where for every assertion made, a conflicting one looms just around the corner.


In conclusion, while metaphysics remains an intriguing subject of philosophical dialogue, it should not be mistaken as a compass for our moral landscape or a reliable narrative about reality’s nature. We should anchor our understanding in the tangible world, illuminated by the light of empirical evidence and rational skepticism. In doing so, we find answers that, although perhaps less mystically comforting, are far more intellectually fulfilling and honest.


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